Libra invests in e-planes

Electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOLs) will fly in the coming years between major tourism destinations in Greece.

Tourism heads for record season

Greek tourism showed one of the strongest growth rates worldwide during the first quarter of this year, significantly surpassing even the record levels of the first quarter of 2019.

Residents of Serifos seek harmonious balance

Grape cultivation served as supplementary income to the once-bustling mining industry. Decades ago, the pits were abandoned before the vineyards. Nowadays, tourism dominates like a monoculture.

Our ‘national industry’ needs protection

Greece is a nation of exaggerators who easily swing from one extreme to the other. During the economic crisis, we sang the praises of tourism as the country’s main engine of growth.

More tourists eyeing Greece

Greece ranks fourth among the top destinations in the preferences of European travelers in a survey by the European Travel Commission, which examines the mood for tourism between May and October this year.

Monuments need tourism, experts explain

The Culture Ministry’s head ephor for Cycladic antiquities hits the nail on the head when he points to one of the most popular islands in Greece to describe the imbalance between culture and tourism.

Hotel investors increasingly honing in on Greece

International investment interest in hotel properties in Greece, including the capital, is not only steady, but is actually growing stronger and is expected to drive up the current values of these properties.

Seeing Athens through tourists’ eyes

The most interesting aspect of the soaring number of foreign tourists in Athens, in any case a welcome phenomenon, lies in its potential to better our self-understanding.

Can Athens become a walkable city?

Walking in Athens is a risk you take at your own peril. It involves balancing on impossibly narrow pavements, while avoiding broken paving stones and sundry unexpected hurdles.