North Macedonia’s new government to receive vote of confidence on Sunday

North Macedonia’s new government to receive vote of confidence on Sunday

The new government of North Macedonia, led by the right-wing party VMRO-DPMNE, is expected to receive a vote of confidence on Sunday evening.

Following the vote, VMRO’s leader Hristijan Mickoski will be sworn in as Prime Minister along with his government.

Mickoski is expected to win Sunday’s vote easily, having secured the support of 78 lawmakers in the 120-seat house.

The discussion in the parliament on the policy statements of the new government began on Saturday. Today’s parliamentary session starts at 11:00 a.m. local time.

Mickoski referred to the country as “Macedonia” three times during the reading of the policy statements, although he stated a few days ago that he will use the constitutional name of the country (Republic of North Macedonia) during his government’s swearing-in ceremony.

The new government will also include the opposition Albanian coalition “Worth It” and the Slavic party “I Know.”

The new government is being formed following the parliamentary elections held in North Macedonia on May 8, in which VMRO won by a large margin.

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