Gerapetritis to Skopje: Refraining from unilateral actions, essential for EU integration 

Gerapetritis to Skopje: Refraining from unilateral actions, essential for EU integration 

The strict observance of international treaties is a fundamental principle of international law and a self-evident obligation for participation in international organisations”, said the Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, sending a message to Greece’s Balkan neighbor North Macedonia on Saturday.

As he said, in an interview with the Greek website ‘newsbomb,’ the Prespa Agreement constitutes an international treaty that has been ratified by law, it is absolutely binding and cannot be modified unilaterally. 

“Particularly in North Macedonia, the basic terms of the Agreement were included in the neighbouring country’s Constitution and were a precondition for joining NATO,” he said. 

He also noted that, “refraining from unilateral actions and divisive rhetoric, the faithful adoption of the European acquis, the recognition of international law and the full implementation of international agreements is essential to ensure stability, security and prosperity in our region and the integration of candidate countries into the European family.” [AMNA]

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