North Macedonia VMRO party leader insists on ‘Macedonia’

North Macedonia VMRO party leader insists on ‘Macedonia’

North Macedonia leader of the center-right nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party, Christian Mitskoski, insists on using the term “Macedonia,” instead of the country’s constitutional name, following the steps of North Macedonia’s new president, Gordana Siljanovska.

Mitskoski praised her stance as “dignified” in referring to their country as “Macedonia.”

“If Greece believes we violated the Prespa Agreement, let them appeal to the International Court of Justice,” he stated. Mitskoski added, “We don’t expect relations between the two countries to be based on displays of power; we expect good and excellent neighborly relations.”

Mitskovski also urged Greek companies to invest in North Macedonia, emphasizing mutual cooperation. He encouraged companies of North Macedonian to invest in Greece, promoting bilateral economic ties.

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