Albania’s ex-president Meta detained by police, spokesman says

Albania’s ex-president Meta detained by police, spokesman says

Albania’s former president Ilir Meta has been detained by police over corruption allegations, his spokesperson and lawyer said on Monday.

Meta’s spokesperson Tedi Blushi told a press conference the arrest was “inappropriate” and that it would “be condemned by all patriotic and honest Albanians.”

Blushi was referring to images shown by local media of police wearing masks stopping a black car and apparently taking out Meta, who appeared to be resisting. Reuters has not verified the footage.

“This government will pay the price in every street and in every square,” Blushi said, when asked if there would be protests from Meta’s supporters.

There was no immediate comment from SPAK, a special prosecution office set up to fight corruption and organized crime, but Tirana-based online media Reporter said Meta was accused of corruption, money laundering, and hiding his wealth. Other media reported the same accusations.

Meta’s lawyer, Genci Gjokutaj, confirmed the arrest was over corruption allegations, which he said he denied. He did not give further details.

Meta, 55, was president from 2017 until 2022, and had previously served as prime minister and speaker of the parliament.

He is not the only opposition figure to face criminal allegations.

On Sept 30, supporters of the largest opposition group, the Democratic Party, set fire to wooden chairs outside parliament in protest after one of its politicians, Ervin Salianji, was jailed for a year on charges he described as politically motivated.

Earlier in September, Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha was indicted on corruption charges for actions he took when he was prime minister. Berisha also denies any wrongdoing.

The Democratic Party accuses current Prime Minister Edi Raman of orchestrating prosecutions of its members. Rama denies those accusations. [Reuters]

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