Greek-Turkish talks and the economy in the spotlight

Greek-Turkish talks and the economy in the spotlight

Athens and Ankara are gearing up for a critical meeting between their foreign ministers on November 8, each side pursuing its own agenda. However, both countries acknowledge that conditions are now favorable for addressing long-standing, difficult issues – provided that domestic circumstances in Greece and Turkey don’t disrupt the process.

Last week, former conservative prime minister Antonis Samaras, speaking at an event in Cyprus, indirectly accused the Greek government of being prepared to yield to Ankara’s demands. He warned, “When ‘calm waters’ lead to silent acceptance of a fait accompli, it always brings great storms.”

Greek-Turkish talks 

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis will brief New Democracy lawmakers on Tuesday regarding the latest developments and the government’s strategy for the talks with Ankara. This meeting will be closely watched, as criticism of the government’s approach has come not only from Samaras but also from other party members, with growing dissent from a group of MPs.


Following his re-election as leader of the socialist party, Nikos Androulakis is working to promote party unity against New Democracy. On Monday, he announced the formation of a new nine-member political center, which will include his rivals in the recent leadership race, former EU commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou, former minister Pavlos Geroulanos, Athens Mayor Haris Doukas, as well as other new figures.

Seamen’s strike

Seamen have announced a 48-hour strike on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the Panhellenic Maritime Federation (PNO) demanding a collective bargaining agreement that includes a 23% wage increase.

Teachers’ strike

The primary school teachers’ union, DOE, has also declared a 24-hour strike for October 23, with a rally planned in central Athens at noon. Their demands include higher salaries, a collective agreement, and increased funding for education.

Tourism workers’ strike

Workers in the food and tourism sectors have called for a 24-hour strike on Wednesday, seeking wage increases, a 40-hour workweek, and improved support for seasonal workers during the off-season through the unemployment fund.

Tsipras event on the economy

The Alexis Tsipras Institute is organizing a conference on Tuesday to discuss the challenges and prospects of the Greek economy. Three former finance ministers from SYRIZA and PASOK will participate in the event. 

This comes as SYRIZA faces internal turmoil, with ousted leader Stefanos Kasselakis preparing for a political counterattack. A fresh split within the party seems increasingly likely.

Empress Theophano Prize

The fifth annual Empress Theophano Prize will be presented to Special Olympics, a global movement promoting the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The award ceremony will take place on October 23 at the Rotunda Monument in the northern port city of Thessaloniki.




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