A time of reckoning for the center-left

As elections loom, PASOK and SYRIZA grapple with leadership challenges and internal dissent

A time of reckoning for the center-left

The current two-day period is critical for the future of Greece’s center-left, with the second round of internal elections at PASOK on Sunday. 

The leadership contest between Nikos Androulakis and Haris Doukas will hinge significantly on voter turnout. A large turnout might signal a fresh trajectory for the party; conversely, a lack of engagement could reveal deep-seated introspection.

Meanwhile, SYRIZA convenes its central committee on Saturday in a session that could prove decisive for both the party’s internal strife and its overall viability. Reports suggest that a motion to exclude ousted leader Stefanos Kasselakis from the leadership race is gaining traction, reflecting ongoing tensions within the party.

Historical patterns suggest a substantial advantage for Androulakis, whose 29.64% in the first round provided him with an over eight-point lead against Doukas, who garnered 21.41%. However, the suspense remains, as past elections show voter participation can fluctuate dramatically, impacting outcomes.

A crucial factor will be voter turnout, as evidenced by previous elections. In 2021, the second-round participation dropped by 24.7%, and similar trends were noted in 2017.

Should history repeat itself, an estimated 200,000-230,000 voters may head to the polls, with the majority likely to reaffirm their initial choices.

The dynamic in the Attica region poses an interesting dichotomy, where Androulakis and Doukas struggled against fellow candidates, notably Pavlos Geroulanos and Anna Diamantopoulou, who dominated in urban centers. 

How voters from these regions will align in the second round remains an essential question.

The region of Western Greece also emerges as a pivotal area, with Michalis Katrinis securing 26.09% of the vote last week, indicating a solid base that may continue to support PASOK. Both Androulakis and Doukas aim to build upon their initial successes while vying for crucial votes in closely contested areas.

The stakes could not be higher for the center-left. The outcomes of these leadership battles will not only shape the parties’ immediate futures but will also define their roles in the broader political landscape of Greece. 

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