SYRIZA’s struggles deepen amid leadership row

SYRIZA’s struggles deepen amid leadership row

SYRIZA is grappling with severe internal conflict, centered around the potential expulsion of former leader Stefanos Kasselakis.

As divisions deepen between his supporters and the so-called “87” faction of dissenters, discussions of his removal have intensified during recent party meetings.

Members of the 87 are increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with Kasselakis’ behavior, saying it’s detrimental to party unity and effectiveness. The tension reflects not only personal rivalries but also broader ideological disagreements within SYRIZA.

The possibility of Kasselakis’ expulsion raises critical questions about the party’s future direction and cohesion. As factional battles continue to escalate, the party risks alienating voters and diminishing its influence in Greece’s political landscape.

Support for the leftist party has steadily shrunk in recent months, with polls placing it behind socialist PASOK. 

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