Opposition leader, health minister spar over hospital conditions

Opposition leader, health minister spar over hospital conditions

Main opposition leader Stefanos Kasselakis and Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis engaged in a heated exchange on social media Wednesday over the worsening conditions in state hospitals, which are suffering from severe staff shortages within the National Health System (ESY).

Kasselakis, leader of the leftist SYRIZA party, shared a video capturing a tense confrontation between Georgiadis and ESY employees at an unidentified hospital. He accused the conservative minister of derogatory behavior towards medical staff.

“The footage speaks for itself,” Kasselakis remarked. “If a SYRIZA minister ever acted like this towards public servants or citizens, they would be dismissed immediately,” he added.

Georgiadis responded sharply, claiming that Kasselakis was criticizing his efforts while being on an extended holiday.

“Is it fair for me to tour hospitals to address problems and seek solutions to chronic shortages – and I will find solutions – and then read this post from someone who has been vacationing on Mykonos for a month, leaving his employees unpaid and without their bonuses?” Georgiadis questioned in a post.

“And is it fair to be criticized for a one-minute confrontation during a lengthy tour of hospitals and health centers, where those present are well aware of what actually happened?” he added.

The deteriorating quality of public health services remains a significant challenge for the New Democracy government, compounded by severe medical staff shortages and the failure to recruit private doctors to fill the gaps.

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