Race for commissioner

Mitsotakis said to be settling on popular Central Macedonia governor

Race for commissioner

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is leaning towards proposing the governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas as the new European commissioner from Greece, Kathimerini understands.

The decision is not final and will depend on the kind of portfolio Greece will be offered. But it is certain that the current Vice-President and Commissioner for Promoting Our European Way of Life Margaritis Schinas has been told he will not be a part of the 2024-29 Commission.

Tzitzikostas, a 45-year-old economist and political scion – his late father was an MP and minister – has been governor of Central Macedonia since January 2013, when he replaced his predecessor, Panagiotis Psomiadis, who had been convicted of dereliction of duty.

More importantly for Mitsotakis, Tzitzikostas is popular in Central Macedonia, where the ruling New Democracy suffered significant losses to the far-right in the June 9 elections for the European Parliament. Tzitzikostas is known to be popular with the kind of populist right supporters who defected from New Democracy. His appointment would be welcomed by the kind of voter who thinks Mitsotakis has appointed too many centrists, or former moderate socialists, in government positions and who despaired at Mitsotakis’ advocacy for, and passage of, a law legalizing same-sex marriage.

Until recently, Interior Minister Niki Kerameus was said to be the favorite to replace Schinas at the Commission. But name may surface again: Recently renominated Commission President Ursula von der Leyen asked heads of government to submit as many women’s names as possible for Commission posts, yet so far they have almost unanimously proposed men. Thus, von der Leyen may pressure her allies to nominate women.

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