SYRIZA, PASOK applaud French election results

SYRIZA, PASOK applaud French election results

Greek left-of-center opposition leaders have welcomed the results of the 2024 French legislative election, where a leftist coalition, formed to prevent the far right from gaining power, has won the most parliamentary seats.

In a social media post, SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis expressed optimism that Greece’s progressive parties can set aside their differences, following the example set by France.

“Today, the people of France showed the way,” he said, adding, “Despite their serious disagreements, the French progressive forces agreed on key issues such as the containment of high prices and the housing crisis, the protection of workers and retirees, and the resolution of the Palestinian issue.”

“They demonstrated that we must come together to find solutions to the major problems facing Greeks today, such as high prices, the housing crisis, the destruction of the National Health System, and the malfunctioning of the rule of law. I am optimistic that we can set aside our individual differences,” Kasselakis said.

“A great victory for France and Europe. A great victory for democracy,” declared PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis in a statement.

“With the massive participation in the polls, the people of France raised barriers against the far right, racism and intolerance, safeguarding the timeless principles of the French Republic: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” he added.

Failure to present a meaningful opposition to the right-wing government of New Democracy, which has been in power since 2019, combined with poor performance in the June European Parliament elections, has triggered friction within SYRIZA and PASOK, also sparking a debate about cooperation between the country’s center-left parties.

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