PASOK MP calls for leadership change following lackluster election performance

PASOK MP calls for leadership change following lackluster election performance

PASOK MP Odysseas Konstantinopoulos has called for a leadership change within the socialist party following the disappointing outcome of the recent European election.

PASOK ranked third, trailing behind main SYRIZA opposition, securing 12.79% of the vote and three seats. Leader Nikos Androulakis had aimed for a second-place finish.

“We need a robust reboot! A fresh, vigorous mandate to realize the lofty ambitions of PASOK, with leadership capable of mobilizing broader social forces,” said Konstantinopoulos in a missive addressed to the party’s secretary and the political committee on Wednesday.

In the same communication, the MP recommended advancing the scheduled leadership election slated for the following year. He proposed convening the party’s organs next week to establish a definitive timeline for the process.

Konstantinopoulos’ proposition was warmly received by former minister Pavlos Geroulanos, who had competed against Androulakis in the 2021 leadership contest.

During an interview on Skai radio on Wednesday, Geroulanos refrained from confirming whether he would run in a potential new leadership election.

Furthermore, he dismissed the notion of forming a broader center-left coalition, asserting that “there is no arithmetic in politics.”

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