Poll gives New Democracy 15.1-point lead over SYRIZA

Poll gives New Democracy 15.1-point lead over SYRIZA

New Democracy enjoys a 15.1-point lead over its main rival SYRIZA, an opinion poll has found.

Conducted by Marc for ANT1 TV, the poll of voting intentions in Sunday’s European Parliament election put the governing conservative party on 29.8%, left-wing SYRIZA on 14.8% and socialist PASOK on 9.8%.

Nationalist Greek Solution (7.3%), communist KKE (7%) and anti-establishment Course of Freedom (3.8%) also cleared the 3% threshold to enter the parliament in the poll.

However, religious-considerate Niki (2.9%), extreme-right Voice of Reason (2.4%), Yanis Varoufakis’ MeRA25 (2.3%) and left-wing New Left (2.1%) polled below the parliamentary threshold.

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