ND opens up lead, 2nd place up for grabs

ND opens up lead, 2nd place up for grabs

With just 24 days before the European Parliament elections, an MRB poll on behalf of Open TV gave ruling New Democracy a 13.4-point lead over leftist opposition SYRIZA, widening the gap compared to the company’s previous findings.

According to voting intention, ND got 26.5% compared to 13.1% for SYRIZA, which is only slightly ahead of socialist PASOK, which showed a slight uptick with 11.5%. Nationalist Greek Solution was fourth with 8.1%, ahead of communist KKE (6.6%), New Left (3.1%), Course for Freedom (2.8%), Niki (2.4%), Foni Logikis (Voice of Reason) (2.3%), Dimokrates (2%) and MeRA25 (1.8%).

The survey also showed that 60.3% of respondents said that by voting they want to send a message of dissatisfaction to ND, while 32.7% said they will vote because the country needs government stability.

Moreover, while most voters positively assessed the recent meeting between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, the majority disagrees with the decision to include jailed ethnic Greek mayor in Albania, Fredi Beleri, in ND’s candidate list.

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