23.11.2020 / 10:13

The Greek political system has, by and large, hailed Joe Biden’s victory and hopes that the new American president will take an active role in curbing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s expansionist ambitions. 

21.11.2020 / 13:20

In a State Department report submitted to Congress a few months back, US diplomats stated that a full list of confirmed violations of Greece’s airspace by Turkish fighter jets after January 1, 2017 was “not feasible.”

20.11.2020 / 21:06

The emotion that greeted the news that 10 intensive care nurses from Crete – and several others from areas nearer to Thessaloniki – were volunteering to help their colleagues in the northern port city, reminded us of how surprised we are by actions that show what should be self-evident: We are all living in the same country, fellow travelers on the same national journey. 

20.11.2020 / 09:45

One side demands that rallies like those commemorating the 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising against the junta be allowed but are opposed to church services. 


As international students (Caro from Mexico studying in Italy, and Saeed from Pakistan studying in the United States), we rely on social media to stay connected with our friends and family thousands of miles away. 

18.11.2020 / 22:35 ALEXANDRA GOULEVA

Many young people my age, the hopeful 20-somethings who were about to go out into the world, can agree that 2020 did not turn out to be our year. 


As students who have lived in Pakistan, Ecuador, Japan and the United States, our participation in the Athens Democracy Forum highlighted the differences in the ways we interact with our democracies. 

18.11.2020 / 21:06

The pandemic will at some point be over. And so will the fuss over this year’s anniversary of Greece’s 1973 student uprising at the Athens Polytechnic. It has after all become a part of the national furniture.

18.11.2020 / 11:55

Apart from providing key insights into a special (in many respects) presidency, Barack Obama’s memoir contains some very interesting references to the Greek debt crisis and the way in which the major European powers chose to deal with the situation.

17.11.2020 / 21:05 STEFANOS MANOS

It would be prudent to temper our expectations that the United States under a new president will be able to effectively control Turkey’s expansionist dreams.