28.11.2020 / 23:18

It impossible for us to harbor any more illusions about the intentions of Turkey and its president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Even if Ankara were to express a desire to sit down for talks with Greece, it has lost all credibility, having used the calls for dialogue as nothing more than a tactic in the service of its plans time and again.

27.11.2020 / 21:06

From the beginning of the year, when Greece blocked Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s attempt to blackmail Europe with the mass movement of migrants, Turkey has been trying, with increasing persistence, to “isolate” Greece from its European Union partners. 

27.11.2020 / 21:02

No amount of digital modernization is enough to upgrade the classic Greek public sector software.

27.11.2020 / 12:49

These are perilous times for a large part of the planet, with difficult situations in many regions. They are especially dangerous for us Greeks, even though we are “part of the West” and members of its key institutions.

26.11.2020 / 21:27

During another of the usual verbal battles in Parliament on Wednesday, between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and opposition leader Alexis Tsipras, the latter referred to a familiar anecdote about the newly elected premier who finds three letters from his predecessor on his desk.

26.11.2020 / 19:57

The state is still burdened by inactive and loss-making enterprises, which could, under bolder and smarter management, become drivers of growth for the country.

26.11.2020 / 15:35 ANAR HUSEYNOV

During the 44 days of the war in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan – Nagorno-Karabakh – and surrounding regions, we observed black propaganda against Azerbaijan in the international media. There was a biased approach to the conflict thanks to the false information about the historical facts and the whole conflict deliberately spread by Armenians.

25.11.2020 / 14:23

The escalation of the coronavirus crisis, in combination with the artificial political confrontation provoked by the tactical maneuvers in the name of the anniversary of the November 17 Athens Polytechnic uprising, has overshadowed interest in other recent events.

24.11.2020 / 21:01

Crises tend to reveal what people, groups and organizations are truly made of, and this is especially so with the current health crisis.

23.11.2020 / 14:33 KONSTANTINOS BITSIOS

A crucial and recurring question posed with every Greek-Turkish crisis is: How will Greece manage to contain Ankara’s aggression? 

23.11.2020 / 14:33

The experience is too recent to have been forgotten: Greece dug itself a deeper hole during the financial crisis.