04.12.2020 / 17:31

The passing of former French president Valery Giscard d’Estaing is an opportunity to look back on his important contribution to the restoration of Greek democracy and the country’s participation in the European Union project.

04.12.2020 / 15:11

Valery Giscard d’Estaing, who died on Wednesday, is tied to Greek history by his providing his presidential plane to bring Greek statesman Konstantinos Karamanlis back to Greece from France as the seven-year dictatorship was collapsing in July 1974. 

03.12.2020 / 19:31

Saturday evenings and Sundays make you painfully aware that there’s a pandemic, as the center of Athens is like a desert landscape come Saturday afternoon.

03.12.2020 / 19:31

Nothing is too small or insignificant to go unnoticed in such conditions of tremendous social and psychological pressure. The slightest incident can spark an inordinate amount of anger and reactions.

03.12.2020 / 16:30

Former US Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias’ reported decision to run for Illinois Secretary of State brings to mind the importance of having able Greek Americans not only on the federal, but also on state administrative bodies.

02.12.2020 / 21:07

In 1974-75, Turkey found itself in a very difficult position. The US Congress imposed an arms embargo on Ankara in reaction to Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus. But Ankara did not stay idle in this crucial sector for too long.

02.12.2020 / 21:04

Turkey has been engaging in a public diplomacy campaign in a bid to avoid European sanctions over its behavior in the Eastern Mediterranean. Greece must not take comfort in the righteousness of its cause.

01.12.2020 / 22:01 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

Turkey is well aware that Greece is not Syria, Libya, nor Nagorno-Karabakh. Turkey appreciates the fact that Greece has been a member of NATO since 1952 (the year of its accession along with Turkey) and a member of the European Union and the eurozone – more than a significant part of Greek public opinion does.

30.11.2020 / 20:10

Bulgaria’s insistence on blocking European Union accession talks with North Macedonia risks creating another fissure in NATO’s southeastern flank. Two of its member-states are already deeply divided and now two more appear headed for a collision.

30.11.2020 / 18:09

The US election results brought great relief to the friends of American democracy (and liberal democracy in general) around the world. The election of an experienced, moderate, dignified, “institutional” new president, a decent man to boot, raises hopes in Europe.

29.11.2020 / 22:30

There is no such thing as a sanctified or acceptable public gathering at this point of the pandemic. There can be no distinction made between gatherings driven by progressive or conservative mind-sets.

29.11.2020 / 08:42

There’s a famous Monty Python sketch from the early 1970s about an argument between a pet shop keeper and a customer complaining about the dead parrot he recently purchased. The classic comedy sketch could also loosely serve as a comment on the pedantry of bureaucracy.