21.12.2020 / 19:31

It is rare to hear a member of Parliament make a meaningful contribution that transcends the miserly framework of what passes as public dialogue. One of those rare contributions was made during the debate in Parliament on the budget.

20.12.2020 / 22:00

It would certainly be convenient for Greece to sign some kind of “insurance contract” with a major power that would clearly stipulate its armed support in the event that we come under a military attack. There is no such thing, however, and it’s high time we came to terms with that.

20.12.2020 / 21:23

Germany, the United States, Belgium and Sweden: These have state administrations that are better organized and better equipped than Greece’s, yet they are facing the same – if not worse – challenges.

19.12.2020 / 16:22

There is always an abundance of excuses to explain delays in getting things done, even if the need to do so is absolutely self-evident. And the delay in issuing pensions electronically is no exception.

18.12.2020 / 22:33 HELEN METHODIOU

Thessaloniki’s uninterrupted history from the 4th century BC to the early 20th century is documented by more than 300,000 finds, both movable and monumental, brought to light by the years-long excavations during the construction of the northern port city’s underground rapid-transit system.

18.12.2020 / 21:21

Experts all over the world agree that the coming months will be the most difficult in terms of the coronavirus pandemic’s transmission. Such dramatic warnings may sound routine by now, but they are not. If we allow ourselves to relax our vigilance during the holidays, it is certain that January and February will be a […]

18.12.2020 / 07:31

The compromise of allowing churches to open on important dates during the holidays has averted a serious crisis in Church-state relations. This is where they were headed, even though neither side wants tension.

17.12.2020 / 19:15

There is still much that needs to be discussed and worked out in greater details in the Education Ministry’s complex plan for raising the standard of the country’s public universities by introducing a minimum grade.

16.12.2020 / 20:18

We really need to find a way to talk to one another. We need to find a way for debates not to always degenerate into heated exchanges of barbs and accusations. Can we do that? It’s obviously very hard – perhaps impossible even.

16.12.2020 / 20:18

In this difficult phase of the coronavirus pandemic, the rules and restrictions introduced by the authorities must be clear, and they must not be questioned.