05.01.2021 / 22:00

After a dramatic period of four years and six months and a trade deal with the European Union, Britain has won back its independence – a fundamental right for every sovereign state which is now viewed as an anachronism, since nationalism – and patriotism even – are treated as evil. 

05.01.2021 / 21:02

The election speculation sparked by Monday’s cabinet reshuffle is, to put it mildly, out of the question.

05.01.2021 / 10:49 ATHANASSIOS TSAKRIS

Discussion in the international scientific community about the possibility of new or emerging viruses with the ability to unleash a pandemic date back to the 1990s, gaining momentum with the advent of SARS in 2003 and the H1N1 flu in 2009. 

04.01.2021 / 11:35

The new year will be one of big wagers for this country. Greece has the opportunity to get back on its feet and take advantage of significant European Union resources that will put it on the path to fair, sustainable growth.

04.01.2021 / 08:05 ZHANG QIYUE

The start of }each new year is a time to reflect on the year just past and make plans for the future. The coronavirus has disrupted our lives, devastated the economy, taking a heavy toll on all societies.

03.01.2021 / 22:06

Greek-Turkish relations were precarious in 2020 and the fact that an “accident” or military engagement was avoided is important. The new year may bring big developments in Greek-Turkish relations but also on the Cyprus issue.

03.01.2021 / 20:51

There are reasons to hope that 2021 will be better for Greece as the arrival of vaccines is pointing to the beginning of the end for the pandemic and the economy is projected to return to growth.

02.01.2021 / 19:44 ANGELOS CHANIOTIS

Since March, the world has resembled a disaster movie. For their plot, screenwriters follow a proven model: Scientists warn about a threat, then politicians ignore the warning and when the disaster strikes, some heroes save the day.


Greece is going green. The goal of sustainable development has been generally accepted – in principle, at least – and green growth has now been adopted as a pillar of both government policy and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan submitted to the European Union, with the blessing of the opposition.

02.01.2021 / 12:12

From 2008 onward, the international system has seen a number of crises blow up: credit, financial and fiscal crises that were followed by the migration crisis and the exacerbation of several geopolitical crises.

01.01.2021 / 22:40

Every 40 to 50 years or so humanity is faced with a milestone and in many respects, 2020 was just such a year. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic changed our lives within a matter of a few weeks.

01.01.2021 / 19:17

Joe Biden will be the next US president, to the dismay of millions of Americans and the delight of millions more. Supporters and critics alike are expecting the Biden administration to usher in big changes for the world. That’s not likely to happen.

01.01.2021 / 13:38

Seeing people crowding in streets and public squares, and hearing about people gathering at homes in defiance of coronavirus restrictions, you cannot help but ask how stupid can some people be?