10.01.2021 / 21:32

Words matter. Even a few lines posted on social media that may initially seem fringe and completely outrageous can spread at pandemic speed from the dark corners of the virtual community of social networks to the consciousness of citizens.

09.01.2021 / 22:29

It would be ridiculous if it were not horrifying. What we saw was neither a metamorphosis nor an embodiment of the sarcastic and very popular quote often attributed to Groucho Marx: “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”

09.01.2021 / 20:54

The European Union made the right decision when it established that member-states should not compete for vaccines during the pandemic but instead collectively manage the supply of Covid-19 inoculations.

08.01.2021 / 22:18 EDWARD LUTTWAK

Insurrections are common but Wednesday’s aborted insurrection on Capitol Hill was unique, because the purpose of mobilizing a mass of people and deploying their sheer momentum against the edifices of power, a Royal or Presidential Palace, or a Parliament is of course to seize power – through the very act of seizing that iconic building.

08.01.2021 / 21:17 THOMAS MEANEY

The ransacking of the US Capitol Wednesday was Trump’s last gift to the Republican Party. 

08.01.2021 / 20:21 THRASSY N. MARKETOS

The Eastern Mediterranean region, where east, west, north and south converge, and the birthplace of the three main monotheistic world religions, is, from a geopolitical point of view, a separate subsystem.

08.01.2021 / 09:12

The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, taught Americans and the world in the most dramatic way that the only superpower was part of the world, that it did not stand apart, that it was just as vulnerable to attack from an outside enemy as any other country.

07.01.2021 / 14:56 YASCHA MOUNK

As Aristotle observed in the Poetics, the end of a drama should be surprising yet inevitable. If that is true, then Donald Trump’s four years as President of the United States have just drawn to a fitting conclusion.

07.01.2021 / 10:38 DEMETRIES GRIMES

As a US naval officer, I took an oath to serve all Americans and support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. An oath to the rule of law and country, not to an individual or political party.

06.01.2021 / 21:46

Whatever one thinks of the management of the coronavirus pandemic so far, whatever one’s party affiliation dictates, everyone’s goal should be the same: Of all the businesses and institutions whose activities have been suspended, the first to reopen must be schools, which represent a vital social need.

06.01.2021 / 20:56

The Church is the oldest “political” organization. Not just in Greece, but everywhere in the world. No other institution can withstand the passage of centuries – not just decades. It survives earthquakes, plagues, revolutions and economic crises.

05.01.2021 / 22:00

After a dramatic period of four years and six months and a trade deal with the European Union, Britain has won back its independence – a fundamental right for every sovereign state which is now viewed as an anachronism, since nationalism – and patriotism even – are treated as evil.