19.01.2021 / 21:46

In a much-debated development, Greece and Turkey are about to resume exploratory talks following a five-year lull. This new round will be held amid a tense atmosphere, mostly due to Ankara’s revisionist policy, now driven by the Blue Homeland dogma.

19.01.2021 / 21:25

No one really has any illusions about Turkey. Nevertheless, the barrage of contradictory messages coming from officials in Ankara seems to justify the projections of the more pessimistic observers.

18.01.2021 / 17:36 DAVID WISNER

On 9/11 I traveled by train from Bulgaria to Greece, and then drove to Halkidiki. I had next to no idea that al Qaeda terrorists had hijacked jumbo jets full of passengers and flown into the twin towers in New York City and into the Pentagon, and were foiled by brave passengers from doing the same to the White House.

18.01.2021 / 16:05 GEOFFREY PYATT

When the clock struck midnight on January 1, people around the world expressed relief at reaching the end of 2020. While I shared that sentiment, I also felt the excitement of Greeks anticipating the arrival of 2021.

17.01.2021 / 21:13

We are always wondering whether international developments are favorable for Greece.

16.01.2021 / 21:33

Posts full of “bravos” and “respect” flooded the internet. As a four-time Olympian, Sofia Bekatorou is used to praise. This time, however, the praise was not about her sailing prowess.

16.01.2021 / 20:41

The idea that a harsher punishment would be more dissuasive was simplistic. A punishment, when excessive, risks not scaring anyone and becoming a dead letter.

15.01.2021 / 22:10 GIORGOS KOUMOUTSAKOS

“From time immemorial Europe has been confronted with an ‘Eastern Question.’ In its essence the problem is unchanging. It has arisen from the clash in the lands of South-Eastern Europe between the habits, ideas and preconceptions of the West and those of the East. But although one in essence, the problem has assumed different aspects at different periods.”

15.01.2021 / 21:08

On Saturday, 1,001 delegates of the Christian Democratic Union will elect their new leader. This will decide whether Germany’s largest political party will continue on the course that Angela Merkel charted in her country and in the European Union.