30.01.2021 / 21:13

The scope for consultation, especially on issues relating to changes in education, must always be exhausted. Holding a debate is imperative.

29.01.2021 / 21:03

The opposition is right when it says that government restrictions aimed at protecting public health from the spread of coronavirus cannot be implemented by force. Even if that was the government’s intention, it would be impossible to make it happen. 

28.01.2021 / 21:37

Most Americans and much of the rest of the world have heaved a sigh of relief with the departure of Donald Trump after a presidency that did serious harm to the United States’ international image and credibility, perhaps even irreparably.

28.01.2021 / 18:28

EU member-states tamed the initial trend toward medical nationalism that had made an appearance during the first wave of the pandemic.

27.01.2021 / 21:58 YOSSI AMRANI

It was International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Wednesday, during a period when the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage.

27.01.2021 / 21:01

The third wave of coronavirus, which has already hit most countries around the world, is again proving that Covid-19 poses an unpredictable threat.

26.01.2021 / 21:49

In his recent interview with Kathimerini, former prime minister Antonis Samaras put forward a number of arguments concerning the exploratory contacts between Greece and Turkey and shed light on an important aspect of the issue.

26.01.2021 / 19:21

Monday was marked by the start of exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey and the finalization of the agreement with France for the purchase of 18 Rafales.

24.01.2021 / 09:46 YANNIS VALINAKIS

Political romanticism, intense external pressures or electoral purposes are the only explanations as to why Greece, instead of reversing pressures and taking full advantage of the available strategic window, prefers to concede the advantage to a cornered Recep Tayyip Erdogan.