05.02.2021 / 21:10

Calling on former ECB chief Mario Draghi to form a coalition government may have been Italian President Sergio Mattarella’s option of last resort, other than calling early elections. 

05.02.2021 / 21:03

None of the evaluation and mobility schemes so far implemented in the Greek public sector has managed to live up to expectations.

04.02.2021 / 22:04

Turkey’s projection of military might in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea and its months-long provocations against the sovereign rights of Greece and the Republic of Cyprus led both to the restart of exploratory talks between Athens and Ankara and to the “five-plus-United Nations” meeting between the leaders of the two Cypriot communities and the guarantor powers – Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom – at the level of foreign ministers.

04.02.2021 / 17:55

The Greek state must do all that is fiscally feasible to support the country’s tottering businesses.

04.02.2021 / 12:11 JOSEP BORRELL

Today, I am travelling to Moscow. The last time an EU High Representative visited Russia was four years ago. The main purpose of my visit is to discuss the issues that are causing us concern related to Russia’s place and role within Europe and its broader international engagement.

03.02.2021 / 21:10

It’s hard to disagree with what Citizens’ Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis said in Parliament Tuesday regarding government plans to police universities.

03.02.2021 / 21:03

The personnel employed by Greece’s public health sector have shouldered most of the burden since the coronavirus pandemic hit the country last March, often mobilizing bottomless wells of self-denial. 

02.02.2021 / 21:20

As we move toward an informal five-party conference on the Cyprus issue in New York, several questions arise. The first is whether the necessary preparation has been made and the right conditions have been created for the United Nations initiative to succeed. The answer is probably “no.”

02.02.2021 / 20:52

It has been almost a year since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Everyone’s resilience – both that of citizens and the state – is being tested, as developments with the virus are not encouraging.

31.01.2021 / 22:28

It’s a funny thing. Greece has too many laws, many of which are very complicated, and a rather wordy Constitution. At the same time, the law is in many aspects hardly or only selectively applied.

31.01.2021 / 21:52

Greek parents are anxious and pay a lot of money to educate their children. They demand the obvious: universities that function as a place of knowledge and creation, not for dealing drugs and making petrol bombs.

31.01.2021 / 14:50 MANOS TSAKIRIS

A few days ago (January 22, 2021) we marked the fourth anniversary since world audiences were first exposed to the idea of “alternative facts.”

30.01.2021 / 21:13

The scope for consultation, especially on issues relating to changes in education, must always be exhausted. Holding a debate is imperative.