25.02.2021 / 20:51

No issue should be excluded from the arena of political debate. That said, however, the big issue that is currently being discussed by party leaders in Parliament lends itself to exaggerations.

24.02.2021 / 21:10

Can we all just take a step back? We keep on repeating ourselves at the risk of becoming compulsive, if not peculiar, but the simple fact is that our country will not go far with all this hate in our public discourse.

24.02.2021 / 21:01

No one wants to see the police intervene on university grounds. This is not the sort of normality we want.

22.02.2021 / 01:44

Our times are incredibly interesting, and dangerous. Everything is done to excess. Especially when it comes to the threats and challenges, from Covid-19 to climate change.

20.02.2021 / 22:20

“The rapist and the rape do not have an ideological hue and belong to no party. We do not care about [the rapist’s] political identity,” Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said.

20.02.2021 / 22:01

Anyone who is sincerely interested in revealing the truth and holding the perpetrators accountable in cases of sexual abuse must show real – not rhetorical – confidence in justice.

19.02.2021 / 22:00 DEMETRIES GRIMES

For 43 of 50 Republican senators who convened at the scene of the crime in the US Senate chamber, the truth was secondary.

19.02.2021 / 21:10

As next month’s EU Summit approaches and the discussion on possible sanctions against Turkey intensifies, it would be useful if Greece were to focus not only on Ankara’s policies in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Aegean and Cyprus.

19.02.2021 / 21:02

Lamenting the quality of public discourse is not merely a matter of taste or an affectation, because public speech can become criminal when it is steeped in political fanaticism.