04.03.2021 / 10:11 STATHIS KALYVAS

States function a bit like humans; they are after all organized and institutionalized groups of people. To move forward and improve themselves, they set goals that can inspire and mobilize their citizens.

03.03.2021 / 22:56

We are already in the third week of a hard lockdown. One peculiarity of this phase is that we are suffering all the economic, educational and psychosocial side effects of the bans without seeing their benefit reflected in the epidemiological data.

03.03.2021 / 22:13

Some people seem to want to relive December. Not the December of 2008, but of 1944. They are already living it through social media. They accuse university professors who freely express their point of view of being “snitches” and “traitors.”

03.03.2021 / 16:21 DEMETRIES GRIMES

On the shore of the Turkish city of Izmir, once known as Smyrna, where more than 150,000 Greek and Armenian inhabitants of the city were slaughtered and more than 750,000 made refugees by Turkish forces during the burning of Smyrna in September 1922, a statue of Turkish General Mustafa Kemal Ataturk on horseback facing and pointing West is inscribed with the quotation “Armies, your first target is the Mediterranean Sea. Forward!” 

02.03.2021 / 21:02

Greece has a lot on its plate right now, facing a number of challenges – from the fronts of public health and the economy to problems emanating from outside its borders – that are of vital importance to the overwhelming majority.

02.03.2021 / 10:53 NIKOS KOTZIAS*

Over the past 30 years, Turkey, and its friends in the society of nations, sought, and partially succeeded, in obscuring the importance of the Cyprus issue’s international dimension, that is the Turkish invasion and the illegal occupation of the island.

01.03.2021 / 02:03

“Who is hiding behind the hashtag?” “Your MP is the one posting this vulgar content.” “Here is what was written on Facebook five or six years ago.” All three of these phrases, along with several variations, were uttered many times in Parliament on Wednesday.

28.02.2021 / 22:24

The goal for anyone who wants this country to move forward must be to close the “factory of rage.” How? The only way is to put the country on the path of fair growth that will offer prospects, especially to the younger generation.

28.02.2021 / 21:54

The last few days have brought to the fore the self-destructive tendencies of our democracy. This time around, however, our political parties exercised, albeit ambiguously and belatedly, some self-control.

27.02.2021 / 21:25

As the tourism sector is poised for a timid restart this summer, the experience from last year’s mistakes will have to be put to good use.

26.02.2021 / 21:08

If we focus on the present, Thurday’s debate in Parliament on the quality of public dialogue was disheartening. However, if we look to the future, we may have cause for some hope.

26.02.2021 / 21:01

Thursday’s debate in Parliament showed that no one stands to gain from rolling around in the mud.