17.03.2021 / 21:02

The principle of a unified European Union defense against the coronavirus in the vaccination campaigns of its member-states has once again been violated, despite the fact that there are authorities at European level responsible for deciding on the safety of all medicines.

16.03.2021 / 21:25

As we get closer to April and preparations for the tourist season are picking up steam, an important respite for the strained Greek economy, the government is correct in exhibiting an aura of optimism. 

16.03.2021 / 21:11

After more than a year of coronavirus-related restrictions in Greece – which have had an impact on all members of society, to a greater or lesser degree – perhaps it’s not always easy to expect citizens to fully comply with the measures.

14.03.2021 / 22:25

Greece is a bankrupt country with an international brand name that has been maligned like few others. Where can it pin its hopes of recovery? On new investments and low borrowing costs, both for Greek government bonds and Greek businesses.

14.03.2021 / 21:54

The twin crises of Greece’s economic meltdown and the coronavirus pandemic are like clashing rocks that have crushed an entire generation.

14.03.2021 / 16:29

Over the last year, America’s streets were littered with images that would prompt one to wonder whether this was the state of nature that Thomas Hobbes wrote about.

12.03.2021 / 20:28

It is not beyond the Greeks’ intellectual capacity to understand that national survival depends on an objective evaluation of the challenges we face, along with our strengths and our weaknesses, so that we can move forward with strategy and daring.

11.03.2021 / 23:08

Listening to the statements of officials from the ruling New Democracy party and main opposition SYRIZA, it appears that there is something they agree on: Both have been saying that further tension and division must be avoided.

11.03.2021 / 21:40

There’s a simple answer to the question – whether it is posed innocently or with deliberate delay – of who benefits politically from all the tension: No one. The only thing it does is harm the country as a whole.