28.03.2021 / 18:31 MARK MAZOWER

Aged well over 100, Apostolos Mavrogenis died at the end of 1906, the last surviving fighter of the Greek Revolution.

28.03.2021 / 01:20

The derailment of the educational process over the past year represents an incalculable destruction of intangible capital caused by the pandemic which continues to this day. 

27.03.2021 / 14:06 MARK ALLEN

On the occasion of Greece’s Independence Day, and this year’s bicentennial anniversary commemorating the beginning of the Greek War of Independence, it is an honor for me as Canada’s ambassador to extend my warmest congratulations and best wishes to the people of the Hellenic Republic.

26.03.2021 / 12:26 MARCO VICENZINO

After 400 years of foreign domination, Greece began its war of independence on 25 March 1821 and now enters its third century of freedom.

26.03.2021 / 11:27 PAUL GLASTRIS

Few presidents have entered the White House with as much foreign policy experience as Joe Biden – 30 years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, four as its chairman, eight as vice president during a time of war and global financial collapse.

25.03.2021 / 20:09

We are obviously not going through the toughest period in Greece’s history. Besides the pandemic, the pressure on the political system and on society essentially stems from Greece’s adaptation to the new world economic order, but also from shifts in the balance of power at a regional level.

25.03.2021 / 19:30 WILLIAM ANTHOLIS

How did Americans view the Greek Revolution of 1821? No people sympathise more feelingly than ours with the sufferings of your countrymen, none offer more sincere and ardent prayers to heaven for their success.

24.03.2021 / 21:10

The Independence Day parade Thursday ought to open or close with the heroes of today, the doctors, nursing staff and members of the ambulance service who are on the frontline of this pandemic.

24.03.2021 / 18:28 JOHN KITTMER

The small boat, with its group of twenty or so British tourists and school kids, was leaning into the wind across choppy waters. Gerald, our teacher and guide, was telling us two stories at once and they were becoming occasionally confused.