06.04.2021 / 08:19

The political landscape in Libya has changed. An effort is under way to normalize domestic politics and restore relations abroad. Greece, as a neighboring country, has every reason to be interested in Libya, and it has the right to have a say.

04.04.2021 / 22:12

The messages reaching Athens from Ankara ought to be reassuring. Turkey talks about the need for a period of calm and hints at the possibility of “reasonable” solutions for the Aegean and the East Mediterranean that are similar to what has been discussed with previous Greek governments.

04.04.2021 / 21:03

The government has submitted its detailed proposal to utilize resources from the European Union’s Recovery Fund.

03.04.2021 / 21:15

Numbers, they say, are unforgiving. If anyone follows our political leaders, it will become evident that every party has its own “numbers” and makes its own calculations.

03.04.2021 / 21:10

There are no inexhaustible sources of money. And don’t go thinking there are any hidden sources of vaccines which are just waiting to be ordered. 

03.04.2021 / 03:10 JOHN A. MAZIS

It was with interest that I read US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt’s column in Kathimerini on January 18 on the 200-year anniversary of our War of Independence and the bonds between the US and Greece.

02.04.2021 / 21:10

We might still be unsure of how the novel coronavirus was born nor when it will cease to plague us, but we do know that its power lies in how it exploits human nature and human weakness to spread, to mutate, to develop.

02.04.2021 / 21:01

The biggest negative impact from the radical, albeit essential, changes being introduced to the public university admissions system is that many young people will be left out of higher education.

02.04.2021 / 11:01 ELIAS G. HADJIKOUMIS

Joe Biden has started his presidency by notably taking a harder line on Turkey. During his first month as US president, he made routine calls to other world leaders, but Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not receive such a call.

01.04.2021 / 21:57 STATHIS N. KALYVAS

Greece is celebrating its bicentennial – at least it is if we begin calculations from the beginning of the revolution. The country’s course so far has been adventurous, and today’s Greece has very little in common with that of 1821.

01.04.2021 / 19:44

The decision to gradually and cautiously reopen economic and social activity, starting with retail stores – as announced by the government on Wednesday – will only prove to have been the right decision if the rules are strictly upheld and protected.