11.04.2021 / 21:19

The day after the pandemic cannot lead to sustainable prosperity unless the demographic decline is reversed. 

11.04.2021 / 11:42 NIKOS VETTAS

A major anniversary like the one Greece is celebrating this year is an opportunity to ponder the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

10.04.2021 / 22:23

There exists a hair-raising culture of settling personal accounts, maybe a leftover from before the dawn of civilization, but still acceptable for parts of society where loss of control, crossing the line and eruptions of violence are seen as a natural outcome of upsetting social interactions.

10.04.2021 / 21:52

There are now many files of unsolved crimes which point to terrorism or mafia – murders, assassination attempts, serious bombings – which are weighing down Greek democracy. 

10.04.2021 / 12:25

Whichever protocol team was to blame – the European Commission’s, the European Council’s or the Turkish Presidency’s – the image of Ursula von der Leyen standing awkwardly before the enthroned Charles Michel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan will remain chiseled into our collective memory as proof of the European Union’s dysfunction and its inability to project the power that it undoubtedly has.

10.04.2021 / 01:21

A lot of valuable lessons can be drawn by studying the history of foreign policy and it is a discussion that needs to be carried out without restrictions and taboos.

08.04.2021 / 21:02

Two disputes over the past few days – one over an article by former PM Costas Simitis ahead of the publication of a book on the 1999 EU Helsinki Summit and the other over divisive statements by SYRIZA MP and ex-minister Pavlos Polakis – brought to the fore an annoying public malady.

08.04.2021 / 19:53

The decision by the European Union to negotiate the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines on behalf of its member-states was correct, in principle. 

08.04.2021 / 08:50

One would have expected that those who deal with the coronavirus pandemic in a formal capacity – politicians and doctors – would have learned their lesson by now. 

07.04.2021 / 08:30 PETROS MOLYVIATIS

Only a handful of Greeks can be said to have defined the course of modern Greece and had a profound impact on public life during 40 of the nation’s 200 years of independence. Konstantinos Karamanlis was one of them.

06.04.2021 / 21:10

No policy for protecting public health and stemming the coronavirus can be expected to work without the cooperation of the country’s citizens.