16.04.2021 / 18:29

The foreign ministers of Greece and Turkey Thursday added a new dimension to the diplomatic cliche “friendly and frank discussions.”

16.04.2021 / 08:24

The leader of the opposition is endowed with an institutional role because everyone agrees on the importance of the opposition’s role in a democracy.

15.04.2021 / 05:39

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias’ planned visit to Ankara on Thursday is already – without weighing the outcome – a positive development.

14.04.2021 / 23:08

The letter by 104 retired Turkish admirals to Recep Tayyip Erdogan in which they openly criticized a canal project dear to the Turkish president and the possible revision of the 1936 Montreux Convention was rather theatrical in its conception and delivery.

14.04.2021 / 19:25 GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULOS

One of the priorities of the Portuguese EU Presidency is to raise awareness for the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the production, distribution and consumption of news as well as to reflect on its impact on journalism in the digital era.

14.04.2021 / 08:34

The data are devastating. For 10 consecutive years, deaths in Greece have outnumbered births. A total of 931,884 people were born from 2011 to 2020 while 1,198,502 died over the same period, resulting in a net decrease of 266,618 people.

13.04.2021 / 21:42

Rarely in the past 75 post-war years has the world faced as much fluidity, uncertainty, insecurity and lack of cohesion as it does right now. Perhaps this is because the so-called X factor that determines developments is so unpredictable.

13.04.2021 / 21:20

There should have been nothing complicated about the process of voting in national elections for Greeks who live abroad and are registered on the country’s electoral roll. It would require a simple letter, just as foreseen by the Greek Constitution.

13.04.2021 / 16:26 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

The public debate during the past few days between two former prime ministers, Kostas Simitis and Kostas Karamanlis, has created the need for an introductory remark on the conditions and purposes for a public discussion on foreign policy issues, especially when it involves persons who have managed said issues and possess presumption of knowledge and responsibility.

12.04.2021 / 18:46

The government, and the country in general, will need a strong reboot when the pandemic is finally over. Covid-19 is a bit like the bailout agreements: It accelerates political time and eats up precious political capital.