22.04.2021 / 21:02

Τhe roadmap presented on Wednesday by the prime minister for a return to normalcy has one condition: the renewal of trust in vaccines – a confidence that has been compromised by contradictory and sometimes exaggerated information. 

21.04.2021 / 22:00

Today’s youth are “up in arms.” You might say, and I think I remember it myself quite well, that young people have always been “up in arms.”

21.04.2021 / 21:10

The inevitable extension of pandemic restrictions in Greece over the Orthodox Easter holiday demonstrates the damage done by premature declarations asserting that the government would lift the ban on travel between regions.

21.04.2021 / 21:03 ALEXANDROS P. MALLIAS

Unlike his predecessor, President Joe Biden confirmed NATO’s role as a pillar of transatlantic relations. During his visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Secretary of State Tony Blinken emphasized the importance of consulting with the European allies mainly on China and Russia. The stakes are high. A) China is a critical commercial, economic, shipping […]

20.04.2021 / 20:34

A few weeks ago, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s decision to publicly characterize Turkish President Reccep Tayyip Erdogan as a dictator received a lot of publicity.

20.04.2021 / 19:23

The voices in favor of a controlled lifting of restrictive measures, which, in any case, are not being observed, are becoming more and more convincing.

19.04.2021 / 21:00

Apart from weakening the so-called systemic parties and electing new ones to Parliament, the recent elections in Bulgaria also expressed the electorate’s disapproval of the ultra-nationalist parties that did not make the cut.

19.04.2021 / 19:18 NICHOLAS ECONOMIDES

The Greek Constitution gives the right to Greeks living abroad to vote remotely if they are enrolled to vote in Greece. However, for decades, the Greek Parliament did not implement a procedure for Greeks abroad to vote.


An estimated 8 million lives are lost globally each year due to poor quality healthcare. The current Covid-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated that quality assurance and patient safety are severely challenged today more than ever.

19.04.2021 / 02:30

Donald Trump changed America – not as much as his supporters wanted, but more than his critics hoped.

19.04.2021 / 00:58

Last week’s heated press conference in Ankara may have fleetingly given the impression of increased tension between Greece and Turkey.

17.04.2021 / 21:10

Labor reform is much too important an issue for the parties involved to enter the discussion in a negative frame of mind, ready only to say no to every proposal.

16.04.2021 / 21:18

The positive reception of the first vaccinations created the impression that we were past the danger of widespread skepticism.