28.04.2021 / 21:01

Both European and national health authorities have ruled on the safety of the coronavirus vaccines that are available to people in Greece and other European Union member-states.

28.04.2021 / 11:21

A “ghost” of a non-paper that is said to outline changes to the borders of the Western Balkans has come along to revive nightmare scenarios at a time of heavy geopolitical turbulence in the broader region.

27.04.2021 / 19:50

American President Joe Biden’s initiative to recognize the Armenian genocide is indeed symbolic. But the power of symbolism is not without political significance.

24.04.2021 / 21:57

The voices speaking against an amendment granting immunity from prosecution to the members of the advisory health committees would have been more convincing if the critics had managed to articulate even one word of support for the experts who are under attack. 

24.04.2021 / 12:46 ELIAS G. HADJIKOUMIS

Multilateralism is a term that emanates from the establishment of multidimensional institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, both of which were formed at the end of World War II.

23.04.2021 / 21:14

As Greece battles to control the pandemic, recording 9,788 deaths as of yesterday, as pressure grows for a loosening of the measures against the coronavirus, it is worth remembering how necessary those measures are.

23.04.2021 / 21:00

Reducing tax burdens and social security contributions were the pillars of the government’s program.

22.04.2021 / 21:15

The United Nations is inaugurating yet another initiative to find some common ground in order to arrive at an agreement for solving the Cyprus issue.

22.04.2021 / 21:02

Τhe roadmap presented on Wednesday by the prime minister for a return to normalcy has one condition: the renewal of trust in vaccines – a confidence that has been compromised by contradictory and sometimes exaggerated information.