12.05.2021 / 21:20

Greece needs people like Alex Patelis in public posts. In other words, it needs people who have accomplishments under their belt, who think creatively and, occasionally, out of the box; it needs people who are obsessed with reforms and are allergic to the cursed such-things-are-impossible mantra. 

12.05.2021 / 21:10

The fact that Turkey is consolidating its image as a “dangerous” country, annoying an increasing number of allies in the wider region, should not just be enough to satisfy Athens.

11.05.2021 / 21:18

Turkish officials, and analysts as well, all too often claim that the United States and Europe show too much support for Greece, often at Turkey’s expense, and that their biased stance stokes Greece’s provocative attitude.

11.05.2021 / 21:01

The idea of using the vaccination certificate for domestic purposes only, for regulating the safe return to normalcy, should not be dismissed offhand as something that is morally contemptible.

10.05.2021 / 16:45 ALEXIS TSIPRAS

A few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and almost two centuries after the French Revolution (1789) – when the Right-Left political distinction was historically established – Norberto Bobbio attempted to define the dividing line between the two political wings in his book “Right and Left.”

09.05.2021 / 23:33

There are a lot of interesting things going on in the United States right now. President Joe Biden has identified the causes that gave rise to the Trump phenomenon and is trying to root them out.

09.05.2021 / 23:20

Those who prevent a disaster before it happens are rarely praised for their efforts. And few among the Greek public appreciate the effort it took to prevent the bankruptcy of the largest Greek state-run company, Public Power Corporation, or to save the country’s over-indebted mail service Hellenic Post.

08.05.2021 / 18:52

No matter which political camp someone claims to belong to, there is one thing that they simply cannot argue: that the labor market can continue to operate on the basis of rules and regulations that were designed 40 years ago.

08.05.2021 / 16:48

It is very gratifying that many younger people are quickly seeking to secure an appointment to get vaccinated against Covid-19, taking advantage of the launch of the process for younger ages.

07.05.2021 / 21:13

The participants in last week’s informal meeting on the Cyprus problem left Geneva satisfied with the fact that each could blame the other for the meeting’s failure.

07.05.2021 / 21:01

The ongoing debate over who was the first to propose that Athens should push for the patents of the Covid-19 vaccines to be suspended is for domestic consumption only.