16.05.2021 / 22:22

A so-called “people-friendly” measure is often one that hurts people the most. A classic example: the very low passing grades needed to enter universities and the creation of new universities in every town and village, so to speak.

16.05.2021 / 22:03

There was hope that the much-touted “return to normalcy” would not be just an empty slogan; that, after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, Greece would indeed be in a position to shape a new normality.

16.05.2021 / 12:06

As Greeks of the diaspora, philhellenes and students of ancient and Byzantine culture, we are greatly dismayed by the recent developments jeopardizing the preservation of the important remains of Late Antique and Byzantine Thessaloniki revealed in the course of constructing the city’s metro.

16.05.2021 / 12:03

As a country that aims to safeguard the status quo in the region, Greece has for many years rightly sought to link Greek-Turkish bilateral ties with Turkey’s behavior toward the European Union and the broader Western alliance.

16.05.2021 / 02:08

At 1 p.m., there were very few visitors at the Goulandris Museum in the Athens suburb of Pangrati. The personnel very courteous, all at their posts, but the public could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

15.05.2021 / 21:39

The decision to open the country up to international tourism last year came at a cost to public health. Greece has this year installed controls which are based on that experience. 

14.05.2021 / 23:15 THANASSIS MISDANITIS

One might think that acquiring a state-owned natural monopoly is a straightforward transaction, after which the investor would sit back, relax and enjoy the benefits of having a steady cash cow in their investment portfolio. But is that the case with DEDDIE? Is the ostensibly large profitability undoubtedly converted into a sizable internal rate of […]

14.05.2021 / 21:49

The Education Ministry’s decision to clear the academic map of departments that serve no real purpose and are nothing but dead wood that use up resources will not come without a political cost.

14.05.2021 / 20:32 JEFFREY LEVETT

Two hundred years ago, the Greek War of Independence was marred by disease and dissension, its triumph lost in typhus, plague, cholera, chickenpox, malaria and tuberculosis, its vocal messages-signals lost in the noise of division.

14.05.2021 / 13:39

The outbreak of violence over the past few days has put an end to the illusion that the Palestinian issue has been solved and that the region will slide effortlessly into an era of close cooperation between Israel and Arab states.

13.05.2021 / 22:05

In a legislative framework that has remained largely the same for the past 40 years, the government on Wednesday unveiled a package of concrete changes.

13.05.2021 / 15:49 KYRIAKOS PIERRAKAKIS

The pandemic is a global challenge on many levels: health, economic, social and technological. The response to it turned accordingly to the country’s human and material resources.