24.05.2021 / 16:29

Sending a code 6 SMS for permission to exercise outdoors may be a thing of the past, but the changes it brought to city dwellers’ relationship with public space will probably stay with us for a while. 

24.05.2021 / 00:57

There is no prefecture in Greece that doesn’t host a university department. It is to be expected that local communities will perceive the merger or abolition of a department as a sign of decline for the region. 

23.05.2021 / 01:00

Greece’s Civil Protection apparatus has proved its professionalism in the past year with its handling of the pandemic, but also in the area of natural disasters. 

22.05.2021 / 21:29

A few days ago, Citizens’ Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis handed a multi-page report on the powerful criminal organizations that are active in Greece to the Supreme Court prosecutor.

22.05.2021 / 20:54

After 64 years of uninterrupted presence on European TV screens, and its first unexpected hiatus due to the pandemic, the Eurovision Song Contest returns reinvigorated his week, heralding the advent of its third decade into the 21st century.

21.05.2021 / 21:15

As society tries to get back on its feet, we need to look at the world that 25-year-olds will face, the members of the generation who will shoulder the heavy burden of reviving the country in coming decades.

21.05.2021 / 21:01

It is difficult to understand why staff in the fire service’s elite Special Disaster Mitigation Units (EMAK) face consequences if they do not get vaccinated against the coronavirus, while those in other, equally important, agencies, do not.

21.05.2021 / 15:31

The most positive aspect of “Greece+,” the SYRIZA blueprint presented Monday on the use of grants and cheap loans from the European Union recovery fund, is that it actually exists.

20.05.2021 / 20:11

Greece is not going to solve the problems in the Middle East, nor is its voice strong enough to convince the warring sides to cease hostilities. It has, however, managed to become a reliable interlocutor

19.05.2021 / 21:02

There’s enough proof by now that the goal of protecting our environment is not incompatible with achieving economic growth. 

18.05.2021 / 21:16

After a decade lost, due to the economic crisis and then to the pandemic, Greece is back to playing its natural role as the leading power in the Balkans. It is a role that is welcomed by most of Southeastern Europe.

18.05.2021 / 21:02

Last year’s push at the Evros land border with Turkey was not a case of Greece coming under pressure from an influx of refugees and migrants.