31.05.2021 / 21:11 CENGIZ AKTAR

Today, Turkish rulers take every opportunity to disregard the European Union’s fundamentals in order to claim Turkey’s singularity, if not superiority. The EU paradigm has become a liability in the face of an increasingly authoritarian if not totalitarian regime in which the arbitrary of the one-man rule has become the rule. The EU membership perspective […]

30.05.2021 / 22:08

The coronavirus pandemic has boosted Greeks’ confidence in the public health sector. The National Health System, better known as ESY, has shown it has a lot of potential that is held back by bad management.

29.05.2021 / 22:22

Fear, weakness or conscious rigidity? Are the limits between thought and reaction so narrow or has New Democracy’s steady lead over SYRIZA in the opinion polls frozen any intention – if we assume it exists – by its leader, Alexis Tsipras, for any shift in the way he criticizes the government?

29.05.2021 / 21:26

The government has acknowledged that the introduction of a single threshold for university entry – a necessary measure – will leave thousands of candidates out of tertiary education.

28.05.2021 / 22:10

The Turkish-Cypriot journalist and intellectual Kutlu Adali, a vocal opponent of Rauf Denktash’s policy of division, was investigating the looting of the Monastery of Saint Barnabas at Famagusta when unknown assailants killed him outside his home in Nicosia in July 1996.

28.05.2021 / 21:58

The introduction of a performance-based bonus system for Greek civil servants could be a way to distinguish and reward those who prove worthy of their office. 

26.05.2021 / 22:38

This is unfortunately what has always happened: The work stoppage is announced by the union suddenly, so that the courts do not have time to rule on its legality. 

26.05.2021 / 21:15

Politics is the art of the possible, which means knowing how far you can or cannot go. In Greece, an attitude of defeatism, the School of Denial, has taken root for many years now.

26.05.2021 / 21:02

While lawmakers in Parliament are still divided over the voting rights of citizens living abroad, only 120 diaspora Greeks have so far registered to vote with the existing system from their place of residence. 

25.05.2021 / 21:01

The failure to control the recent large fire in Corinthia and western Attica may be due to the fact that the state mechanism was blindsided, as it was not ready for such an incident in May.

25.05.2021 / 14:18 KONSTANTINOS BITSIOS

The intervention of former prime minister Kostas Karamanlis in response to an article in Kathimerini by his predecessor Kostas Simitis brought to the fore the significant differences over the best strategy for managing our difficult relationship with Turkey.