12.06.2021 / 21:30

The introduction of an electronic monitoring system that will keep a close eye on the funds moving in and out of all the different agencies in the public sector is not just an enormously practical tool.

10.06.2021 / 23:16

There’s a mechanism constantly at work on the internet and on social media that poisons every single thing that comes to the surface of public discussion.

09.06.2021 / 23:31

It has been a busy couple of months in Greek-Turkish relations, with the failed meeting on Cyprus in Geneva, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias’ visit to Turkey and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu’s subsequent trip to Greece, and of course the upcoming meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

09.06.2021 / 21:57

The plague of “sea snot” threatening the Sea of Marmara – a buildup of a naturally-occurring green sludge formed by dense algal blooms which can be harmful to marine life – should serve as a reminder for both Ankara and Athens: When it comes to environmental issues, collaboration between neighbors is the only way to go.

08.06.2021 / 21:19

It is becoming abundantly clear that the campaign message about the importance of vaccinations in the fight to stop the pandemic is not reaching every part of the country.

08.06.2021 / 09:16

A major diplomatic game will take place in the middle of June with the face-to-face meetings between the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and his subsequent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

07.06.2021 / 13:40 MICHAEL RUBIN

On November 19, 1987, the US Senate amended the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act to declare “defense articles of United States origin may not be transferred to or used on Cyprus by Turkey or Greece.”

06.06.2021 / 21:56

The pandemic emergency obliged the state to support the market. However, it was an extraordinary situation. And this extraordinary situation must not be used as an excuse to revive a bygone political culture.

05.06.2021 / 21:30

Organized crime is not exclusive to Greece. Many other European countries have had to crack down on criminal networks before; in fact, they are usually far more organized than the ones we have to deal with in this country.