18.06.2021 / 20:25

For months, the opposition went around bandying words like “Thatcherite,” “medieval” and “dystopian” to describe the government’s labor reform bill.

17.06.2021 / 20:00

The introduction of certain additional liberties for people who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 is not, as some said in Parliament yesterday, a divisive measure.

16.06.2021 / 20:00

Public sector union ADEDY realized in time that a teachers’ strike on the days when the nationwide university entry exams were under way would amount to antisocial sadism against students who have experienced a difficult year due to the pandemic.

16.06.2021 / 19:21

The decision to raise admission standards at the country’s universities and to close departments that are not in high demand was the right way to go.

15.06.2021 / 21:20

The latest recommendation from Greece’s vaccination committee about the AstraZeneca shot makes those who went ahead with it feel like second-class citizens.

14.06.2021 / 22:26

Monday’s meeting was different. In contrast to the two previous ones – in September and December 2019, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly and the NATO anniversary summit, respectively – this time, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan were alone, without delegations, even though their foreign and defense ministers were in Brussels at the time.

14.06.2021 / 14:37 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

The Greek-Turkish summit coincides with the Biden-Erdogan meeting, which will also take place on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Brussels.

14.06.2021 / 13:04 DORA BAKOYANNIS

Greek-Turkish relations are emerging from a period of deep crisis, perhaps the deepest in recent years.

13.06.2021 / 22:34

Not just society, but Greece as a whole is changing, yet the main opposition appears determined not to come to terms with that fact.