03.07.2021 / 21:03

Many important infrastructure projects are starting in the region of Attica. But one needs to be careful about planning, in relation to the road network and the public transport system. 

02.07.2021 / 22:00

Recent government measures regarding indoor leisure activities are to a significant extent experimental.

02.07.2021 / 21:27

By publicly calling his country just “Macedonia,” Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has in a sense violated the regulations of the 2018 Prespes agreement; a bilateral pact between Greece and North Macedonia concerning the country’s name.

02.07.2021 / 16:10

As the Elliniko development on Athens’ southern coast gets on the road toward its implementation and more and more details come to light, the magnitude of this colossal endeavor is starting to become apparent.

02.07.2021 / 08:52

Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis put it bluntly: “There’s no more money… If the pandemic re-emerges in winter, we are finished financially.”

01.07.2021 / 23:00

The court decision ruling that the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) has to pay people who are retiring compensation for delays in the issuance of their pensions has brought the question of personal accountability in the civil service back to the fore.

01.07.2021 / 18:24 SAKIS MOUMTZIS

The government this week announced it will offer a 150-euros stipend to people aged 18-25 to get at least one shot of a vaccine. It was an excellent decision.

30.06.2021 / 11:49 PANAGIS VOURLOUMIS

The recent labor reform bill is fragmentary and, at points, vague, but it cannot in any way be characterized as a threat to employee rights.

29.06.2021 / 21:01

Public education was the key driver of upward social mobility in post-World War II Greece and it can serve that role again if it’s allowed.