01.08.2021 / 22:12

History requires patience and moderation. No one should jump to conclusions before the dust has settled, before the facts can be documented with a certain degree of objectivity.

01.08.2021 / 21:43

Telecommunications have a key role to play in helping spur growth in the new economy. But their fundamental importance must be reflected in the way that telecom providers operate.

31.07.2021 / 23:47

The public debate about the Covid-19 pandemic and how to combat it has tended to distinguish government from individual responsibility.

30.07.2021 / 22:15

The fact that Greece was the first country to receive European Commission approval for the new Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework, better known here as ESPA, carries strong symbolic value.

29.07.2021 / 23:32

It would be impossible – and wrong – for political parties to control what their officials and representatives post on social media and other online forums.

29.07.2021 / 22:03

For many, the restoration of democracy in 1974 is just another of the many anniversaries on the calendar, with celebrations basically restricted to a reception hosted by the Greek president.

29.07.2021 / 19:41 KONSTANTINOS SYRIGOS

The pandemic has triggered a debate: How can we create a health service that can combat future crises, meet citizens’ everyday needs and be viable?