07.08.2021 / 23:46

At this time of great risk it is hugely important that the state has a formal channel of communication with the citizens affected.

07.08.2021 / 09:33

Some refused to heed the warnings concerning the pandemic. Now the massive wildfires in Greece and elsewhere around the Mediterranean, on the heels of major floods in Northern Europe, are sounding a loud alarm.

06.08.2021 / 23:00

The environmental crisis cannot be understood through the prism of current political affairs.

05.08.2021 / 21:38

Greek athletes have produced some special moments in this different, rather melancholic Olympics in Tokyo which is taking place without spectators. Some athletes won medals, some put on a great performance, some failed. As the Games unfold, more success could be in store for the country.

04.08.2021 / 23:16

Just about all scientists agree – and are also issuing sternly phrased warnings – that mankind is bound to face big natural disasters in the immediate future.

04.08.2021 / 19:27 PASCHALIS M. KITROMILIDIS

Turkey’s recent provocative actions, in particular the display of neo-Ottoman objectives during the anniversary of the 1974 Turkish invasion, in Famagusta, have sparked a lively and controversial debate.

03.08.2021 / 23:11

Crimes against women who are killed by their partners are growing into an almost daily occurrence, which stresses the need for the state to do more.


Since last year, the Covid-19 pandemic has claimed thousands of lives, devastated businesses and delayed priority investment all across the European Union and beyond.

03.08.2021 / 20:35

Just like the Medea snowstorm that slammed into Greece in February, knocking out the power for several days in parts of Athens, Evia and elsewhere, so it again becomes apparent that the country’s energy infrastructure is anything but secure.

03.08.2021 / 16:59

The leaders of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania agreed last Thursday to open their borders to one another, allowing free passage to their respective citizens, goods and capital as of January 1, 2023.

01.08.2021 / 22:12

History requires patience and moderation. No one should jump to conclusions before the dust has settled, before the facts can be documented with a certain degree of objectivity.