15.08.2021 / 21:40

The immense and urgent work of the rebirth of northern Evia should not only be the work of the state.

15.08.2021 / 11:14 MICHAEL G. JACOBIDES

Greece has weathered an apocalyptic natural disaster this week. We have lost beautiful forests that will take generations to regrow, the former royal estate of Tatoi was destroyed, Evia suffered wholesale destruction, hundreds of houses burned, and close to 100,000 acres of wooded areas are now smouldering ashes.

13.08.2021 / 23:04

Stephen G. Miller’s life’s work speaks for itself. The excavations at Ancient Nemea, the restoration of fallen columns of the Temple of Zeus, the museum and beautiful archaeological park, the revival of the Nemean Games, are a rich legacy.

13.08.2021 / 21:13

The pandemic has taken a back seat in the news due to the wildfires, but it has not stopped galloping ahead. 

12.08.2021 / 21:45

Political confrontation is the rule in democracies. It is expected, necessary and useful. Not the kind that is reduced to grandstanding and aimed at petty political gains, but that which focuses on the serious and meaningful exchange of ideas and suggestions, from which the best are selected and implemented quickly and efficiently.

12.08.2021 / 21:00

This time around, the conspiracy theory about the wildfires, which attributes them to invisible hands wanting to install wind turbines in the woods, is doubly damaging. 

11.08.2021 / 22:33

More than a week has passed since the outbreak of the massive wildfires that have wreaked havoc across large parts of the country and darkened our collective mood.

11.08.2021 / 22:17

Although the day after has not yet dawned and although it would be premature to draw any conclusions about the causes behind the devastating wildfires, the cacophony is already in full swing.

11.08.2021 / 21:20

With hundreds of square kilometers charred in Greece, hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed and many of our fellow citizens suddenly becoming an environmental refugee or internally displaced person, stripped of all property, it is impossible to believe the narratives of self-admiration that are circulating with titles such as “We are doing great,” or “Our firefighting is exemplary.”

11.08.2021 / 21:04

The Greek prime minister and the leader of the opposition both appeared to agree yesterday that the restoration of the burnt areas must not be the subject of partisan confrontation.

09.08.2021 / 20:30

Greece has for years managed to stay on its feet thanks to the professionalism and the dedication of its frontline workers that protect the country against all sorts of threats.