22.08.2021 / 15:58 DEMETRIES GRIMES

At a time when representative democracies face unprecedented challenges and the international rules-based order is disrespected and challenged by emboldened authoritarian regimes on every continent, it is hard to imagine what worse and weaker leadership in the West would look like at this moment.

21.08.2021 / 22:40

The first implementation of the measure of mandatory vaccination for carers working at nursing homes was an almost universal success, without producing any backlash which some had threatened. 

20.08.2021 / 21:15

We owe Stefanos Tsitsipas a great thank you. Not only for the excitement that he provides on the tennis court but also because his recent statements on his reservations about the Covid-19 vaccination reminded us that society is in a war in which many people are dying almost unnoticed.

20.08.2021 / 21:00

At the beginning of the pandemic, when the rules of healthy behavior were at stake, the idea of recruiting celebrities as bearers of the government’s message seemed right. 

19.08.2021 / 22:07

Preventing further wildfires and more damage to Greek forestland, along with providing support to affected communities, managing a surge in Covid-19 cases as holidaymakers return to urban centers, the course of the national economy after the ephemeral boost of tourism, relations with Turkey, also with regard to the Cyprus problem, and fresh migration-refugee challenges: The Greek government will have to master a daunting agenda after the summer. 

17.08.2021 / 21:29

We are witnessing one of the most important moments since the end of World War II, equal to the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the end of the Cold War.

16.08.2021 / 22:06

A defeat for the West, concerns for the future in a difficult region where there are countries that already have or seek to acquire nuclear weapons, questions about the role that Turkey might aim for and concerns about increased refugee flows to Greece are some of the many parts of the dramatic puzzle developing after the total and unexpected swift return of the Taliban to power.