28.08.2021 / 21:05

No one is asking people who have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus to change their belief system, nor does anyone want to “punish” them for the choices they have made.

27.08.2021 / 21:00

Most of Greece’s opposition parties agree that the coronavirus vaccine is the only safe and effective means of protecting public health and curbing the pandemic.

27.08.2021 / 14:57

The case is closed, yet the recent fires in northern Athens demonstrated how the former royal estate at Tatoi continues to rouse the public.

26.08.2021 / 23:06

If you put aside the extreme rhetoric heard in Parliament on Wednesday during the discussion on the recent wildfires, no one really had anything fundamentally different to suggest for the country’s civil protection mechanism.

26.08.2021 / 08:07

The chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Robert Menendez, is due to hold meetings in Athens on Thursday and Friday with the Greek president, the prime minister, the speaker of Parliament and the ministers of foreign affairs and defense, among others.

25.08.2021 / 21:00

Epidemiological data, as well as social justice, required a tightening of the measures against the coronavirus, which are now focused on the unvaccinated. 

25.08.2021 / 08:54 HELEN METHODIOU

The 44th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee recently concluded under the shadow of the decision to convert Hagia Sophia and the Monastery of Christ at Chora in Istanbul into mosques.

24.08.2021 / 23:31

Unionists representing the country’s healthcare workers claim that only a small percentage of their colleagues have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

23.08.2021 / 22:30

The threats that the Greek state has been called upon to tackle are unprecedented. From wildfires to illegal migration and the pandemic.

23.08.2021 / 18:55

Greece’s 2021 tourism data will most likely exceed expectations shaped by the coronavirus pandemic. It would be premature, of course, to draw any final conclusions about the season.