03.09.2021 / 23:10

The presence of three main opposition party lawmakers at Thursday’s protest rally in the capital by healthcare workers who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is much more than a mistake fueled by demagoguery.

03.09.2021 / 11:00

The expression “end of an era” must be used selectively if it’s not to become a cliche. Today we feel, in our gut rather than in our mind, that yes, Mikis Theodorakis’ death marks the end of an era.

03.09.2021 / 09:23

Mikis Theodorakis was not only a great composer of international fame, he was the rarest of Greeks – appreciated, honored and revered by all his compatriots.

02.09.2021 / 23:15

Beyond the game of impressions with the cabinet reshuffle, the urgent political need remains the same: The country must reorganize its protection mechanisms against natural disasters.

02.09.2021 / 23:00

Appointing the former chief of the Hellenic Navy, who then led the armed forces and also served as defense minister, Evangelos Apostolakis, to head the newly established Ministry of Civil Defense was one of the most important aspects of Tuesday’s cabinet reshuffle.

01.09.2021 / 23:10

The catastrophic wildfires earlier this summer that destroyed thousands of hectares of forest, burned property and made the daily lives of everyone much worse, are certainly a blow to the Mitsotakis government that was responsible for extinguishing them.

01.09.2021 / 23:00

An important opportunity for political consensus on a major issue – namely shielding the country against natural disasters – was lost on Tuesday.

01.09.2021 / 11:21

The West’s dramatic exodus from Afghanistan will leave numerous losers and very few clear winners. While the United States’ humiliating exit will be celebrated by the world’s jihadi movements, neither China nor Russia will reap zero-sum benefits from it.

31.08.2021 / 21:17

The prospect of a renewed Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement between Greece and the United States – possibly extended over five years – is an extremely important development, given the challenging geopolitical setting.

31.08.2021 / 21:01

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by arguing over which political party is to blame for the increasingly vocal protests against the coronavirus vaccine.

30.08.2021 / 13:45 ANDREAS DRACOPOULOS

Our own humanity is under attack, much more important than the repercussions of Covid itself. So here we are. Humanity and AI.

30.08.2021 / 13:10 PANAGIS VOURLOUMIS

We left Mashhad late in the evening and reached the border as night set in. Inside the mud house that served as a checkpoint lay a gleaming cherry red bokhara rug.

30.08.2021 / 12:16

Two images have so far encapsulated the Afghanistan tragedy. One shows the moment a wailing baby is handed over to an American soldier at Kabul airport. In the other, two men are seen falling to their deaths from the underside of a US military plane.

29.08.2021 / 21:48

Every year around this time, we hear people everywhere complaining about the fact that students could get into university with a score on their national entrance exams of below – and often well below – 10/20.