09.09.2021 / 23:00

SYRIZA not only raised a stink over the timing of the legislative amendment for fake vaccine certificates, it even refused to support the stiffer penalties introduced for public servants who issue them.

09.09.2021 / 12:43 GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULOS

The chaos in Afghanistan has led many to engage in prognostics about future developments. The tarnished image of the West is a key focus of the international commentary.

08.09.2021 / 23:00

The example of the Italian city of Venice, which is planning to charge visitors an entry fee, along with other measures to control the number of tourists it receives, should also serve as an example to Greece. 

07.09.2021 / 23:15

Climate change and civil protection are massive challenges and the choice of the new minister for this task is an exceptional one.

06.09.2021 / 18:20

By choosing Christos Stylianides to head Greece’s newly established Ministry for the Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has demonstrated his commitment to giving the post to a non-partisan official on the basis of their credentials.

05.09.2021 / 21:48

We keep coming back to this comparison because it is convenient and Greece has so many similarities to Portugal.

05.09.2021 / 17:34

An Israeli company called NSO Group has created a spyware tool called Pegasus that gives its users an extraordinary ability to surveil and steal secrets from anyone who carries a smartphone.

05.09.2021 / 14:46 SAKIS MOUMTZIS

Mikis Theodorakis made all sorts of statements and comments with the ease afforded him by his status. And for some, he came under harsh criticism from the orthodox Left, but also from other ideological camps.

05.09.2021 / 00:23

The ideological divide between the “left-wing” Mikis Theodorakis and the “right-wing” Manos Hadjidakis was as contrived as the artistic rivalry between the two composers and musicians was the product of fiction.

04.09.2021 / 21:31

The evidence presented by Kathimerini demonstrates how forest fire arsonists went largely unpunished for their crimes for many years.

03.09.2021 / 23:10

The presence of three main opposition party lawmakers at Thursday’s protest rally in the capital by healthcare workers who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is much more than a mistake fueled by demagoguery.