27.09.2021 / 00:54

Geopolitics is a game that is much like poker. This means that you have to keep your cards close to your chest and, most importantly, keep the other players guessing.

27.09.2021 / 00:36

The decision of the Metropolitan of Larissa to open churh courtyards to mobile vaccination units, but also the calmness with which he deals with the reactions, are an example of spiritual leadership

26.09.2021 / 17:55

Day-to-day life in Greece is excessively determined by people defying laws, rules and reason; it’s disappointing and extremely frustrating. But this, as former prime minister Kostas Simitis once said, is Greece and it doesn’t look like it’s changing much.

25.09.2021 / 21:01

In 2019, the largest Greek company, Public Power Corporation, was almost bankrupt, unable to finance investments for its energy transition. 

24.09.2021 / 23:15 MARCUS WALKER

Late one night in May 2012, after a long crisis summit of eurozone leaders, Angela Merkel marched her exhausted advisers to a quiet table in the bar of the Amigo Hotel in Brussels.

24.09.2021 / 21:15

Τhe secretary-general of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, was unblinking in his appraisal of the state of the world and unsparing in his criticism of global leadership in his speech opening the organization’s General Assembly on Tuesday.

24.09.2021 / 21:02

Due to the structure of the conservative administration, a large workload is placed on the shoulders of the executive core. A small group of people need to manage a large number of complex problems.

24.09.2021 / 20:45 PETER SCHOOF

When Angela Merkel steps down as federal chancellor – some time after September 26 – an era will come to an end which has significantly affected Germany, Greece and the European Union.

23.09.2021 / 22:48 EVANGELOS VENIZELOS

The 2009-19 Greek adventure seemed to have a special place in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s farewell reflection. Quite reasonably so.

23.09.2021 / 22:09

The Supreme Court’s intervention and the Citizen Protection Ministry’s directive for protecting teachers from intimidation and lawsuits by anti-vaxxers were an essential step.


Following the May 2012 election, which ended up in a deadlock for the formation of a new government, as head of the Council of State, I was sworn in as caretaker prime minister to lead the country to new elections.