03.10.2021 / 10:13

Very little has changed in Greek school sit-ins, an annual ritual, save that today they are being staged against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.

02.10.2021 / 21:40

The main opposition party has acknowledged the strategic importance of the defense agreement with France, as well as the operational needs that it will meet.

01.10.2021 / 22:37

What would a citizen of ancient Athens have thought if he were able to see today’s mayor present, via video link, the City of Athens Democracy Award to a young woman from Myanmar for her struggles for the oppressed Rohingya minority, for reconciliation and democracy in Southeast Asia?

01.10.2021 / 21:30 GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULOS

The Greek-French military agreement is expected to bring Athens and Paris strategically closer in the Eastern Mediterranean.


Germany’s neighbors and allies must have found this election campaign – and watching the results come in on Sunday – confusing and disorienting.

01.10.2021 / 09:36

My first brush with political correctness was surprisingly traumatic. I had to get to know the aggressive version of political correctness before I would appreciate its calm necessity.

30.09.2021 / 22:29

Repeatedly turning a school into a setting for violent clashes – even if it’s only one school – is an abominable and dangerous precedent which cancels out the educational process.

29.09.2021 / 21:00

The functionality of proportional representation in Germany’s electoral system has a fundamental requirement: the German political culture of consensus. 

28.09.2021 / 20:51

The wait might have felt very long, but this time the decisions to boost the Hellenic Navy seem to have been made primarily on the basis of the real needs of our country’s national defense –ithout allowing other, political criteria to prevail.

27.09.2021 / 19:42

Soon Greece will have to work with a new government in Berlin. All indications are that it is likely to include the Greens and the Free Democrats (FDP), the third and fourth party in Sunday’s elections.

27.09.2021 / 15:21 GERARD ROLAND, NIKOLAS NEOS

Is the US destined to enter a Thucydides Trap with China? Following the signs of economic decoupling between the two superpowers and the cracks in the globalized economy, which paradigm is better fit to own the future?