09.10.2021 / 22:30

Do places change in the wake of major disasters? And how do residents pick up the pieces and muster the strength to move on, to actually start their life from the beginning?

09.10.2021 / 21:00

It’s not as if everything is at a halt in the Greek capital. The progress in the situation with regard to cleanliness and sanitation, for example, is more than apparent.

08.10.2021 / 23:58

The agreement between Greece and France “on establishing a strategic relationship for cooperation in defense and security,” which was ratified by Parliament Thursday after the predictably heated exchanges between the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, is important not only because it determines relations between the two countries and between them and Turkey; it also forces the European Union and NATO to shoulder their responsibilities.

08.10.2021 / 15:36

In today’s fluid international environment, will Greece and Britain be able to build on the foundations of a long relationship, on close ties dating from the early 19th century, when Greek merchants, bankers and shipowners established themselves in London, Manchester and Liverpool?

07.10.2021 / 23:20

When choosing candidates, all political parties take into account whether a person is camera-ready. Everyone wants to be on television.

07.10.2021 / 21:51

The vision of a united Europe cannot be completed without the Western Balkans. In that context, the leaders of the European Union need to set a date for the start of accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania as soon as possible.

06.10.2021 / 21:00

People who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus should be able to freely enjoy all aspects of social life. For them, there is no reason for any government-imposed restrictions.