26.10.2021 / 23:40

The Greek state has all the necessary institutional tools at its disposal as it seeks to uphold the rule of law. 

26.10.2021 / 23:04 DEMETRIES GRIMES

The US acknowledgment of respect for Greece’s sovereign rights under the International Law of the Sea and rewarding Greece, a steadfast ally, for its ability to play an even greater role in promoting peace and stability in the region and beyond was long overdue.

26.10.2021 / 16:36

Driven by arrogance and his neo-Ottoman ambitions, Recep Tayyip Erdogan behaves as if Turkey is some sort of unbound superpower which is immune to criticism and which can exercise any economic policy it choses regardless of market reactions at home and abroad.

24.10.2021 / 22:30

At some point we need to get serious about our criteria when it comes to voting for mayors and regional governors. Responsibility does not just lie with voters but also with political parties as they get to decide what candidates to endorse.

24.10.2021 / 21:07

Reforms are multi-speed. While the public administration has made leaps and bounds toward its digital transformation, justice remains stuck at its traditional snail’s pace. 

23.10.2021 / 21:45

In the 1980s, the use of renewable sources to produce energy on an industrial scale was in its infancy. Sweden was worried about climate change, Denmark had recently taken its first steps in the construction of wind turbines with the 200-kilowatt Gedser mill (1959-67) and Japan was experimenting with photovoltaics. 

23.10.2021 / 21:15

The parades on Ochi Day are just the pretext. Underneath, the climate is heating up and anti-vaxxers are upon us. They, too, vote in elections – and no politician wants to be deprived of their vote – which is not a negligible percentage.

23.10.2021 / 21:00

Anyone who heard the leader of Greece’s main opposition at his party’s youth congress promising university hirings and easier admissions to all would have gotten an idea of what educational populism means. 

22.10.2021 / 21:10

The number of Covid-19 infections is on the rise, the deaths and hospitalizations remain high, the number of vaccinations is decreasing.

22.10.2021 / 20:57

The government’s insistence on implementing legislation regarding performance evaluation in the education sector and the introduction of an electronic system to monitor the process of pension issuing from the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) are two examples of the way in which the political class can deal with the sclerotic mentality of the state sector. 

22.10.2021 / 15:27

Clashes between Albanians and Serbs in northern Kosovo, for the second time in a month, serve as a reminder that the most dangerous nationalist wound of the Balkan peninsula has not healed.


The discussion about the likelihood of Greece having to send a military mission to the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa, as a result of its mutual defense assistance pact with France, raises two questions: The first and most immediate one is does Greece have any business in the Sahel?

22.10.2021 / 07:59

Following its exclusion from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program by the United States, Ankara is in consultations with Washington for the purchase of 40 new F-16 Viper fighter jets and the upgrade of 80 older ones it already has in its air force.

21.10.2021 / 22:29

In the last 10 months, since the vaccination campaign started in Greece, everything seems to have been said.